Have you ever asked yourself what is your purpose? Questioning the meaning of your life? Or why things don’t work the way you want when you try to achieve them?
Have you ever been with someone where you are both seeing the same event, yet you both come away with two completely different interpretations of what you just experienced?
As the book describes, we all view things through our own filters, which have been defined over the course of our lifetimes. Our upbringing, our Significant Emotional Experiences (SEE), culture, religion (or lack of one), political views, work experience, and even our mood at that moment shape what we see, how we feel, and what we interpret.
Learn to overcome these inner filters such as fears and limiting beliefs that often hold you back and block you from reaching the best of you.
Learn how to use the power of your attitude and perspective to fulfill your potential and live a passionate and meaningful life.
Here is what Brian Tracy says about the book:
“85% of successful Executives who graduated of Harvard say that the key to their success is attitude. Your external results come primarily from your internal beliefs system and self-concept. In this inspiring book, Naomi Bareket brings empowering insights and easy to apply tools to master a winning attitude, while aligning with your true self, and yield a personal and professional success.” – Brian Tracy, Author, Speaker, Consultant
The book THE DEEP SEE helps you overcome fears, habits and other baggage holding you back from getting the results that you seek. It also assists you in finding your inner spark, your personal motivators and identifying any roadblocks that stand in their ways. It provides very easy tools to apply for uplifting your soul and thrive.
Meet Naomi
Naomi Bareket believes that as a G-D’s created, you have an inner spark that is longing to light the world with. She loves to help people breakthrough their deeper fears so they can thrive and positively influence other people too. She is a personal growth coach . She is also a well respected speaker. She is an NLP Trainer and has MBA. For these results, clients named her the best transformer coach. Her clients say she is “an Influential Leader in Personal Growth and Achievement.”
An author, Naomi’s books include THE DEEP SEE, See into Your Soul and Find Your Inner Spark. She is the star and executive producer of the self-help NeuroSUCCESSology series. She is highly requested motivational speakers in the world and her live seminar events continue to sell out to audiences from around the world.

Madlen Saddik, Business Development Director, San Mateo, Chamber of Commerce

Kaustav Chaudhuri, Founder – Pitch Globally – bringing together Entrepreneurs, VCs & Mentors

PROGRAMS with Naomi Bareket

Overcome Your Fears, Limiting beliefs & Habits
learning to overcome your limiting beliefs and fears is a critical first step toward becoming successful. Make your f…

Reach Your Goals & Leverage Your Business
A step by step walk through the Achievement Pyramid. Successful people make decisions today that will influence their…

Achieve a Mindset of a Champion
Be the best, separate yourself from the rest. Quickly and seamlessly leverage your performance to a higher level. con…
Featured Blog Posts by Naomi Bareket
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I was sitting with my friends, and one of them asked me what am I doing these days? And I answered: “I’m searching for myself.” He answered me: “Don’t we all?!” You might do many things, but still feel emptiness deep inside yourself, as if your soul isn’t at peace....
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